
May 2022 newsletter

  May 2022. Newsletter Article  Coping with Loss and Grief  A Commentary by Ijeoma P. Chijioke- Nnani. The idea of loss emanates from love, concepts of time, space, and possession. In contrast to ownership or possession which elicits positive emotions, loss incitesftc negative emotional, physical, economic and health concerns. Everyone loses loved ones or things at some time, so loss and consequent grief are universal natural phenomena, yet the loss of loved one to death, divorce or just missing is surreal. Grief results from loss of loved ones, job, pet, property, heritage, divorce, separation, or other losses. No loss is trivial as all bear negative consequences varying from person to person. Loss leaves us broken, and vulnerable with immense emptiness. The COVID 19 pandemic, is the cause of loss of health, lives of millions and economic wellbeing in contemporary times. Loss due to COVID is worsened by the inability of people to even hug and bid goodbye to loved ones, g...

May Newsletter

           NAACUS WOMEN'S MINISTRY: NEWSLETTER MAY 2021 By-Dr. Princess Mokolo Beloved, what a sweet assurance we have in our Lord’s promise- “And I will ask the Father and He will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you” (John 14:16).   Our Lord ceaselessly encourages us to cultivate a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit, the third person of the blessed Trinity who comes from God the same way our Lord Jesus comes from God. He is the key to our fully understanding the Trinity: “When the advocate comes whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me (John 15:26).  The Holy Spirit dwells in us, He is God’s presence in our lives- “Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you”? (1 Cor. 3: 16).  He is our paraclete - helper, counselor, comforter, advocate (John 14:16). The Holy Spirit is our source of enco...

2021 Lenten Retreat Facbook Video Link

Click link below to watch the 2021 Lenten Retreat Video:

April Newsletter

  NAACUS WOMEN'S MINISTRY: NEWSLETTER  APRIL 2021 *NAACUS Women's Ministry Community Health Forum/Retreat event- Thank You message from  Mrs Sally Stoval Naacus President  To sum up, the event was awesome!!👌🏾. Oh my goodness! We have so much talent in our community,  so let's continue to collaborate and utilize our resources. Our panelists did an amazing job telling us all we need to  know about COVID-19 Vaccines and more. If you missed it, you missed a great event. Thank you Women's  Ministry. Kudos goes to our own sister Princess for her leadership and all the hard work. Special thanks to our  keynote speaker, a deputy director with FDA, Dr. Nina Mezu Nwaba and the other Members of the panel.  The retreat talk on the “Cross and True discipleship” was inspiring. We had a great turnout both on Zoom and Facebook. All those who were able to join us or helped in  any way spreading the word regarding this Community Health Forum and Lenten ...


  NACCUS WOMEN PRAYER MINISTRY JANUARY 2021 OUTREACH PROGRAM TITLE: FOR I KNOW THE PLANS I HAVE FOR YOU  (JER. 29:11)  GUEST SPEAKER : REV. FR. PATRICK ETUK MSP GOD’S WAYS ARE NOT OUR WAYS? Some false prophet (Hananiah) was telling them that exile was going to be over soonest.  When Jeremiah heard this he waited on the Lord, God told him he had a different plan.  To prosper them even in Exile. They were not going home soon.  Some of them will not see their home again Sometimes God may not change your circumstances but will bless you in spite of your circumstances. He will not take the storm away but will give you the authority to work out stormy waters GOD HAS A PLAN FOR YOU? Nobody is an accident God has a plan for each person Before He even formed you in the womb He knew you (Jer. 1:5) Even if your parents did not plan for you to be born God has a plan for you Even if you were a product of rape, God has a plan for you because you have His spirit in you ...

Thank God for 2020 & Trust Him in 2021

Article Pdf file  
  NAACUS WOMEN'S MINISTRY: NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2020 Reflecting on the Heart as a Symbol of Faith By  Sister Uju Praise  Brethren as we celebrate the season of Advent ,It will be nice to examine our hearts.The season of Avent is the Season to take stock ,and examine our lifestyle. ​*THE HEART*  The heart is in a restricted place. It should be regarded as a sacred, secret or holy place (holy of holies). And also an inner sanctuary. The heart is to be  guarded with  all diligence inorder to make our lives worthy.  Proverbs 4:23 says: "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life".  Because the heart is a 'secret place' we have to always consecrate it, set it apart, being conscious and selective of what we allow to go in there. So many people go through no peace, no joy, always feeling offended. It's not because they have more problems than others but because they are not guarding or protecting their hearts which is a secret...