We highlighted many great attributes and actions of Queen Esther from Chapters 1 -5 which are remarkably like those of the Blessed Virgin Mary who was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit (Lk 1:35). For example, Esther was highly favored, obedient, law abiding and submissive to the will of God like Mother Mary. Manifestation of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12: 1-11) in Queen Esther include:
Wisdom – Queen Esther despised material things and fervently sought the things of God. For example, she recounted her dislike of her status and abhorrence of her union with the non-Jewish King. She focused on the goal and did not get distracted by self-interest. She never responded to the King’s offer of half the kingdom, rather, she patiently waited for the right moment and tactfully, asked for her people’s safety wh. This is also an indication of Queen Esther’s love, kindness, faithfulness, generosity, and self-control. She continued to trust and praised God at the darkest moment of their lives and did not despair although she felt afraid and alone.
Understanding- Queen Esther understood that their problem was beyond her and sought her people’s prayer support and God’s divine intervention. She was humble to admit her national error and not make excuses for herself or her people for their past unfaithfulness to God. She reminded God of the worsening of their danger, patiently sought God’s forgiveness, and promised to be faithful.
Knowledge- She was deeply knowledgeable of her Jewish traditions and covenant with God and invoked them to get God’s clearance and support to save her people.
Counsel- Esther was obedient, often sought ways to please God and others. She also sought for and accepted help from God, Mordecai, Eunuch Hagai and the king.
Fortitude- She demonstrated great courage by her willingness to live in the harem while hiding her identity in obedience to Mordecai. She was also courageous to intervene for her people at the risk of her life. She felt alone and vulnerable, yet she did what is expected of her because she trusted and loved God and her people. Her long suffering demonstrated her faithfulness, and self-control.
Piety- Queen Esther prayed, fasted, mourned for her people’s dilemma. She attested to her efforts to be pure and faithful to God alone despite immense challenges. She reminded God of His covenant with their father Abraham and sought God’s help on behalf of God’s people. She demanded God to make Himself known and to be mindful of His people. She asked for God’s anointing for her success and admitted that all power belongs to God.
Fear of the Lord- The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Pr 9:10). Since Queen Esther demonstrated wisdom, she definitely had the fear of the Lord. She was law abiding, trusted God with total surrender in the face of fear and conflict. She loved God and neighbor and was willing to lay down her life for her people just like Christ. Jesus told us, “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (Jn 15:13).
From these gifts of the spirit, Queen Esther displayed all fruits of the Holy Spirit Gal 5: 22-23:
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control
Reflection: What Gifts of the Spirit have we received over the years? What fruit have we born from the gift we received?
If we have no gift or fruit, Pentecost is a great time to ask the Holy Spirit.
NAACUS Women Ministry: Women in the Bible Series. Summary of Exhortation, Reflections and Suggested Actions on The Blessed Virgin Mary (Ijeoma Nnani 03/27/20202)
Introduction: Our first exhortation on August 30th 2019 kicked off with the blessed Virgin Mary, mother of our Lord Jesus Christ and our Mother because we agreed that she is the most suitable of all Women to begin with due to her salvific role in God’s sacrificial plan for human redemption. The aim of the exhortations on Mary was to establish, that when God chose, called and elevated Mary as key player in human redemption plan, all women (indeed all mankind) were invited to participate in God’s work of salvation. The outcome hoped for is that by embarking on journey of faith with Mary, women may discern, understand and answer YES to God’s call.
Luke introduced us to our Virgin Mother (Lk1: 26 -54), most highly exalted young woman who humbly and obediently took center stage in God’s plan for human salvation. We found many other great attributes of our Mother, met her in prayer and saw her ever present in the life of Christ without overshadowing him. We examined the scriptural origins and Marian nature of prominent Christian Prayers, like the Hail Mary, Holy Rosary, the Magnificat and the Creed. We also correct some Marian heresies, and most importantly hoped to embrace or improve our salvific roles as Marian women. We conclude today with a recap of our encounter with Mary in the Bible from Genesis to revelation.
Old Testament Prophesies relating to Mary’s Messianic Role:
Gen. 3:15 – God cursed the serpent (embodying Satan) and put enmity between the offspring of the woman and the serpent with promise that the offspring of the woman shall crush the head of the serpent.
Is 7:14 – Prophesy that “the virgin shall bear a child and shall name him Emmanuel”.
Is 9:5& 6 – Another prophesy that a child is born unto us; upon his shoulder dominion rests…. named wonder-counselor, God-hero, father forever, prince of peace. His dominion is vast and forever peaceful….
Is11:1 & 2 - stump from root of Jesse… spirit of God shall rest upon him.
New Testament fulfillment of Prophesies relating to Mary
Annunciation and call to God’s Salvific plan (Lk 1: 26-39)
The Call of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Lk1: 26-27)- “in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph of the house of David and the virgin’s name was Mary” This begins the fulfillment of God’s promise in Gen 3: 15.
The Greetings and message of the Angel to Mary Lk1:28- 35 Hail Mary
Mary’s YES (Lk 1:38) “Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord, may it be done to me according to your word” Mary’s yes changed everything and made it possible for us to read in Ga 4: 4, that “at the fullness of time, God sent forth his son born of a woman”, fulfillment for the messianic birth prophesies of the old testament. It is worthy to note that God sought corporation of the WOMAN to fulfill His promise of Messiah for mankind (Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) 448 “the Father of mercies chose that the incarnation shall be preceded by the assent (agreement) on the part of the predestined mother, so that just as a woman had a share in the coming of death, so also should a woman contribute to the coming of life” (cf Lumen Gentium 56 & 61). This led us to the conclusion that that just as all women shared in Eve’s punishment, (Gen 3 :16), Mary’s YES to God to participate in God’s salvific plan earns all women (men and children) a role and place in salvation.
God calls women to be part of salvation plan for mankind
Hopefully, the life of Mary, who though very young, was attentive, discerning, wise, trusting and obedient to God may awaken us to realize that we too are blessed, favored and called by God. Let us review attributes we identified in our Blessed Mother Mary that can help us answer Yes to God’s call.
Attributes of Mary
Receptive openness to the Holy Spirit- Mary’s response to the Angel was, “…may it be done to me according to your words” (Lk 1: 38).
Blessed, God’s Favored one (Lk 1: 28, 30 - 42) Called highly favored. Overshadowed by the Holy Spirit. The WORD of GOD took flesh in Mary and she bore the WORD made flesh to all that encountered her. Thus she spread fruits of the Holy Spirit (Ga 5: 22) "… love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control”. John the Baptist felt and leapt with joy in the womb and Elizabeth called Mary blessed among women.
Kind, and Humble Lk1 ; 31 -45 - Despite her elevation (Lk 1: 28, 32 & 35), to God favored; Mother of the Son of the Most High; and overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, she humbly declared herself as “handmaid’, and kindly and humbly went to care for Elizabeth for three months.
Law abiding woman & submissive to her husband- Lk 2: 1-6 submission to Joseph, obediently travelled near term for census & had no place in the inn. Lk 2: 21-23 &39 circumcised Jesus and presented him as required by law. Trusted Joseph and fled to Egypt to secure the child and returned based on Joseph’s receipt of the Angel’s message (Mt 2: 13- 23)
Contemplative woman that praises and prays. Mary was “…greatly troubled at what was said (Lk 1: 29), but she “pondered what this greeting might be” (Lk 1:29) She pondered many things in her heart- Lk1: 29; 2:19 & 51. Praised God in the Magnificat Lk 1-46-56; Was “…devoted to prayer with one accord…with some women including Mary the mother of Jesus” Act 2:14.
Discerning, Trusting, believing, courageous and obedient - She discerned correctly to trust Angel Gabriel’s reassurance, “Do not be afraid” (Lk1: 30), and explanation of the great incarnation mystery (Lk1: 31 -35). She said YES despite the risk involved (Lk1:38). Unlike Eve, she discerned correct and that helped her to believe, so Elizabeth praised her “blessed are you who believe that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled” (Lk 1:45).
All who found Mary, met Jesus
The Shepherds (Lk1: 52b)
The Maggi (Mt 2: 1-12)
Simeon & Anna (Luke 2: 29–32)
People in Bethlehem at birth
Africans in Egypt (Mt 2; 13-15) and
People at the Temple in Jerusalem at feast of Passover (Lk 2: 41-47)
Intercessor Jn 2:1-5 “…they have no wine…. Do whatever he tells you”
Mary Our Lady of Sorrows but never sorrowful
Pursued by Herod who massacred infants to get her son (Mt 2:13 -18)
Simeon prophesied sword to pierce her heart (Lk 2:34)
First and Longest Follower of Christ- Mary was the first to experience Pentecost among the followers of Christ and the first to encountered Christ at conception(Lk1:31), birth (Lk 2:6), hidden infancy and teenage years (Mt 2: 1-23, his Ministry (Jn 2: 1-5; Lk 8: 19-20; Mt 12 : 46 -50), passion, crucifixion, death resurrection and foundation of the church the body of Christ.
Biblical and Marian origins of Creed & Rosary- Both the Creed and Rosary have biblical and Marian origins. The Hail Mary begins with the Salutation of the Angel Lk 1: 29-33 and Elizabeth Lk 1: 42 to Mary. The Apostle’s Creed and the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary derive from Marian Annunciation (Lk 1 :31); Visitation (Lk 39- 45) & Nativity (Lk 2 :1 – 14; Mt1: 18 -23), Presentation Lk 2 : 22-38 and Finding of Jesus in the temple Lk 2: 43 -52. The biblical and Marian root of many widely embraced Christian and especially Catholic prayers like the creed, rosary and Magnificat (Lk 1 46 -55), underscore the need to avoid the heresy of Christ without Mary or Mary without Christ. We agreed that Mary is our mirror that reflect Christ.
Hopefully we can emulate Mary and ask her for help to remain constant in doing the will of God through Christ.
Suggested Reflections
Like Mary, have I received my call to work in God’s salvation plan for mankind?
If yes, what am I called to do in God’s salvation plan?
What is/was my response to God’s call?
What am I doing to fulfill my part in God’s salvation?
If I have not heard my call, how do I discern what God wants me to do in the salvation plan?
What are the blinders and distractions preventing me from hearing or agreeing or working on what I am called to do like the Blessed Virgin Mary?
Elizabeth recognized Mary as “mother of my Lord” and John the Baptist leaped for joy at the sound of her voice? How have I encountered Mary and what was my response?
What are the attributes I that show that I am blessed – holy like Mary?
Like Mary, am I open to be overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, bear the fruits and share with others?
What fruits of the Holy Spirit do I bear that people attest to as evidence of my holiness and being overshadowed by the Holy Spirit?
In what way do I manifest fruits of the Holy Spirit in my family, communities, and towards people I encounter in my ordinary life activities?
Like Mary do I bear the WORD made flesh (am I a living Bible/living Church)?
What changes must I make immediately, in the next, month, one year, five years and on, to have receptive openness to the Holy Spirit?
What specific steps am I taking to build trust in God and how do I quantify my progress over time?
What do I do when it is not convenient to bear a child like it was not convenient for Mary to bear Christ while just betrothed to Joseph?
Do I know what Jesus tells me and do I do what he tells me (Jn 2 vs5)?
Suggested Actionable Goals
Meditate and praise with Mary’s Magnificat (Lk1: 46-55) v and Hannah’s praise (1 Sam 2: 1-11) every day before bed till the next prayer meeting.
Before the next prayer meeting, I want to develop intimate relationship with the living Word of God and give selfless, humble, fearless, prophetic praise like the Blessed Virgin Mary?
Many African countries are in poverty and chaos due to lack of justice, equity and peace. Many times, it is not convenient to obey laws because of corruption, inequity, injustice and other problems. Let us ask ourselves, am I part of the problem or the solution?
Action. Before the next meeting, I will ask God every day to overshadow me with the Holy Spirit so that like Mary I can be law abiding according to the will of God.
As daughters, sisters and mothers, women can keep night watch spiritually over our families, communities, countries and the whole world. Like Mary, we are called to draw people to Jesus by the way we live. If we learn from Mary to be receptive to the Holy Spirit, we can experience God’s Shekinah Glory like the shepherds. Let us visit Mary in our prayers so that we can meet Jesus and proclaim our joy to all people like the shepherds.
Mary flee to Africa with Jesus, what am I doing to make my African family, communities, country safe for Mary to bring Jesus? Or am I like Herod making Mary Flee my home, community and country? What can I do to make life safe/better for someone else?
Consider keeping night watch over your family in prayer with Mary. Consider doing something within your means to make life better or safer for one person in Africa or new immigrant who is really struggling. For example, paying school fees, providing money for craft, trade, providing accommodation,
Additional reflections thanks to S.is Princess
Are you a mirror and what do you reflect to people when they encounter you?
Pick a fruit of the holy Spirit to aspire to bear this September?
What is it that God is waiting for me to say yes to?
How can I this September be part of God’s work of salvation
How often do I be a bearer of vessel of honor like our mother?
What can I do to take my prayer life to the next level?
What are the things that hinder us from opening up to the Holy Spirit?
What attributes of Mary do I need to embrace to be more open to the Holy Spirit?
What specific aspects of Mary’s attributes will I emulate starting from today?
Through this journey with the Blessed Mary, may we gain receptive openness and learn other attributes of Mary, for the Holy Spirit to model us like her, and overshadow us to be handmaids of the Lord. Stay safe, bear Jesus the Word of God to others, make the world a better place and help all we encounter to experience the joy of the Holy Spirit. Thank you, for participating my Sisters.
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