
Showing posts from February, 2021


  NACCUS WOMEN PRAYER MINISTRY JANUARY 2021 OUTREACH PROGRAM TITLE: FOR I KNOW THE PLANS I HAVE FOR YOU  (JER. 29:11)  GUEST SPEAKER : REV. FR. PATRICK ETUK MSP GOD’S WAYS ARE NOT OUR WAYS? Some false prophet (Hananiah) was telling them that exile was going to be over soonest.  When Jeremiah heard this he waited on the Lord, God told him he had a different plan.  To prosper them even in Exile. They were not going home soon.  Some of them will not see their home again Sometimes God may not change your circumstances but will bless you in spite of your circumstances. He will not take the storm away but will give you the authority to work out stormy waters GOD HAS A PLAN FOR YOU? Nobody is an accident God has a plan for each person Before He even formed you in the womb He knew you (Jer. 1:5) Even if your parents did not plan for you to be born God has a plan for you Even if you were a product of rape, God has a plan for you because you have His spirit in you ...